About us

What is Boston Globe Media Manager?

Boston Globe Media Manager is a self-service advertising system that allows advertisers an intuitive and easy way create, purchase and manage ad campaigns across Boston Globe Media channels.

What websites can I advertise on?

You can select your ads to appear on Boston.com, BostonGlobe.com, or both (Run of Network)

What type of campaigns are available?

Advertisers can purchase digital impression campaigns through our platform. These campaigns deliver a defined number of impressions to your target audience within a desired time period. CPM (Cost per Thousand) pricing charges you a set amount of dollars per thousand times your ad appears ( for example, an $11 CPM charges $11 per every 1,000 times your ad appears).

Getting started

Why do I need to select country and currency at sign-up?

We need this information to filter out which products are available in your region.

Please note, the currency you select cannot be changed.

Can I change my email address later?

Yes, please contact support to make this change.

To find the Support page, click on your client name in the top right corner and select Support

How do I change my password?

Yes, to change your password follow these simple steps:

  1. Open User > Profile

  2. Select ‘Reset Password’

  3. Enter old password, and enter new password.

  4. Set Password.


What is a campaign?

A campaign is a set of criteria that determines how your ads will be served to your desired audience.

Every campaign consists of the following components that you will select upon creation:

  • Schedule: How long would you like your campaign to run?

  • Budget: How much you would like to spend?

  • Targeting: Where (what website/where on that website), to whom (what audience) and what device (desktop/tablet/mobile) would you like your ads to appear on?

  • Creatives: The ads displayed to your audience.

What is Targeting?

Targeting is an online advertisement term that refers to the targeted placement of ads to desired audiences.

The platform can deliver ads based on the user's demographics, past behaviors and preferences. By using targeting, you can unlock these features and increase visibility and user interaction with your ad.

What are the targeting options that are available?

Audience Targeting

Targeting your ads based on demographics such as age, gender, income or interest on either of our websites

Contextual Targeting

Target your ads within the different sections available on Globe.com and/or boston.com including news, business, sports, weather, culture etc.

Can I change my budget?

You can change your budget on campaigns that are in the Draft phase. Once you have paid, you can not change the budget.

Once you have paid, the campaign will run until the selected end date, OR if you cancel the campaign, it will cancel upon your selected cancel date. You can cancel a campaign at any time.

What determines the price of my campaign?

Each product has one CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) – choose your product and set your budget.

What is CPM?

Cost per thousand, (Cost-Per-Mille), a term for the price of 1,000 ad impressions.

If an ad placement on a website has a price $2.00 CPM, it means an advertiser will pay $2.00 for every 1,000 ad impressions.


What types of creatives can I submit for approval?

You can upload completed creatives (JPG, PNG) from your computer.

You can build a creative through our Creative Builder tool.

Advanced users can upload a Third party Script creative. Use this option if your creative is served from a third-party provider. This can be in HTML or tag format.

All of the creatives you upload and/or create will be available in your Creative Library once they are approved.

How does creative approval work?

When adding new creatives you will see the status as Draft or Under Review.

When your creative is Under Review, it is being reviewed to make sure that it meets all Creative Guidelines. We will either Approve or Reject your creative within 2 business days.

Link to our Creative Guidelines here.

Can I change creatives on a running campaign?

Yes, you can change and/or add new creatives at any time.  

What do the different creative statuses mean?

No creative: No creatives were added for this Campaign. The Campaign will not deliver until a creative is added and approved.

Under Review: A creative has been added, and is waiting to be approved by the publisher.

Approved: The creative was approved by the publisher.

Active: At least one creative was added and approved, the campaign has started.

Inactive: The creative have been deactivated and the campaign is not running.

Rejected: The creative was rejected and the campaign cannot begin.

Expired: The campaign passed the end date before a creative was approved.


When will I be charged?

You will be charged after checkout.

What happens if my campaign does not deliver the full impression amount?

A refund for under delivery will be processed back to the client within 3 business days.

What do the different payment statuses mean?

Refund Failed: The credit card refund has failed.

Settled: Payment is successful.

Completed: The payment is complete.

Invoiced: Invoice has been sent to the client for payment

What if I cancel my campaign before it starts?

If a campaign is paid for but canceled before its start date, a refund will be processed by the platform within 15 minutes.


How do I download a report for my campaign?

On the left hand side of your dashboard, there is a “Reports” section. There, you will be able to narrow down the report you are looking for. You can download a one time report or you can set up a scheduled report to send daily, weekly, monthly etc.

You can find more on the report tool in the Help center .